Category VITA

REVEAL seasons greetings

Dear all,Greetings from our REVEAL network! We would like to seize the opportunity to give you an overview of the latest developments in 2013:On December 19th there was the formal lift-off for the „REVEAL“ cooperative, adopted by our General Assembly.…


The VITA pilots

VITA intends to provide a system to validate personal and social competences by making use of the LEVEL5 system which is specifically designed to assess and visualise personal, social and organisational competence developments in rather non- and informal learning settings.…


VITA Final Conference in Dublin

The final conference of the VITA project was honoured by the presence of the Minister of State for Training and Skills. It was hosted by the Irish partner AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation and took place in All Hallows…

La VITA è bella – award ceremony in Dublin

In May 2013, the VITA consortium launched the European Award “La VITA è bella” – an award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe. The consortium wanted to find out in how…

La VITA è bella – Deadline extended!

The VITA team has the pleasure to announce that the deadline for submitting your contribution to the European VITA Award has been extended to August 30th, 2013. More information on the award can be found here. Please inform any colleague…

7th European REVEAL Conference

The VITA project hosted the seventh REVEAL conference in Göttingen, Germany to further discuss the fields of activities, services and products that will be offered by the REVEAL network. We started with a look back on the latest developments. These…


VITA – Employer Survey

The VITA project works on the validation of social, personal and organisational competences that are relevant in order to be successful in service oriented economic sectors. The VITA project team launched a survey to explore European employers’ view on the…

La VITA è bella

VITA award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe VITA is a European GRUNDTVIG project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme and deals with validating social, personal and…

Impressions 2012

This was 2012…

A year of European conferences, courses and meetings – this is the visual summary to it. You find more information on the projects, during which these pictures were taken in the categories: LEVEL5, REVEAL, VITA and VILMA.


VITA – 2nd Transnational Meeting in Paris

The second partner meeting took place in Paris in November 2012. In the two-day meeting the preceding stocktaking phase was summarised and the data of the online survey analysed. The stocktaking phase of the VITA project investigated the demands of…


VITA online survey

The VITA team invites you to take part in an online survey aiming at investigating the awareness about existing methods as well as the demand for evaluating and evidencing personal and social competence development in different educational sectors. You find…

VILMA Course and VITA Conference

Latest events were the VILMA course and VITA conference that took place in Reinhausen and Göttingen, respectively. You can find the documentation of both events here:           The projects VILMA and VITA have been funded with…