Category Care4Carers

Care4Carers – Goal Setting

Care4Carers – SWOT Analysis
Let’s navigate the landscape of personal and professional prowess with a dash of SWOT analysis! Strengths: Identify the competences where you shine bright. What are your standout skills and unique talents that set you apart? Weaknesses: Acknowledge areas for growth.…

Care4Carers – The Value of Competences

Care4Carers – Competences of Carers
The competence of carers is a symphony of skills, compassion, and resilience. Empathy: Carers possess the incredible ability to understand and share the feelings of those they care for, creating a supportive and nurturing environment. Adaptability: From handling medical needs…

Care4Carers – What is a Competence?

Care4Carers – Newsletter 3
Take a look at the new Care4Carers Newsletter:

Care4Carers – Practising Self-Reflection on your own

Care4Carers – Why is Self-Acceptance Impartant?

Care4Carers – The Difference between Self-Acceptance and Self-Esteem

Care4Carers – Considering to leave your current job?
The six stages of Gibbs reflective cycle: – Description: Describe the situation or experience you want to reflect upon. What happened? Who was involved? What were your initial thoughts and feelings? – Feelings: Delve into your emotions. How did you…

Care4Carers – What is Self-awareness?

Care4Carers – How to Improve Resilience?

Care4Carers – Validating your Skills