Tag wellbeing

PROSPER – The SCARF model and how to use it

  A modern and interesting approach towards understanding and measuring the sense of belonging is the SCARF model. David Rock, author of Quiet Leadership and founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, developed it to help people understand their thoughts and emotions…

PROSPER – Symptoms and Signs of Burnout

  1. Fatigue and exhaustion, physically and mentally Chronic fatigue can be caused by various factors such as stress, unhealthy routines, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, or unregulated emotions. 2. Insomnia and/or sleep disturbances Insomnia is characterized by difficulty…

PROSPER – Work-life balance and working time

  Work–life balance and working-time arrangements are important factors impacting on stress at work. Multifaceted support measures are needed to reduce fatigue, enhance safety and health, and support the maintenance of family responsibilities. Practical measures to improve working-time arrangements and…

PROSPER – What is a stress risk assessment?

  Risk assessment is the process of evaluating risks to workers’ safety and health from workplace hazards which considers: what could cause injury or harm; whether the hazards could be eliminated and, if not; what preventive or protective measures are,…