Category Uncategorized

Myths and stereotypes about the EU

Currently, the partners of the MEGA project are collecting myths and stereotypes about the European Union. The EU is often blamed for things for which it is not even responsible. As European Union constantly faces different manifestations of Europhobia, unmasking…

DATALIT – Data Literacy

Nowadays data literacy is widely considered a critical skill to have in the 21st century. It can be defined as the ability to read, work with, analyse, and argue with data, in order to derive meaningful information and knowledge. In…

INTENT – BUPNET staff goes Europe

BUPNET was successful in applying for funds for their continous professional develpoment of their staff. The KA1 project entitled INTENT – Intercultural competences and development for new target groups is funded within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ education programme…

Vilma goes Lithuania

During the last meeting of the VILMA project partners participated in a conference on Assessment of Mobility Achievements” in Vilnius on November 13, 2012. It was organised by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation, the Lithuanian National Agency for the lifelong…