DATALIT – Data Literacy

A joint research project to spread Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business

Nowadays data literacy is widely considered a critical skill to have in the 21st century. It can be defined as the ability to read, work with, analyse, and argue with data, in order to derive meaningful information and knowledge. In the data economy, making sense of data is no longer a must-have skill for data scientist or technology experts only, but it is becoming an essential ability for all workers and a competence that facilitates their employability. It has to do with the way we read, make sense and trust the data we get from hundreds of sources, including news, social networks, apps, just to mention a few.

Despite its relevance in labour market and society in general, data analysis is still not included in many university courses, as it is usually part of computer science, engineering and math courses’ curricula

The project DATALIT aims at:

  • Offering to university students across different Faculties, the opportunity to reach a suitable level of data knowledge that they can use and apply appropriately and diversely throughout their personal and professional lives, and possibly to use as sound basis for further and more specialised training in data literacy and science.
  • Narrowing the gap between business and academia and to put European enterprises in direct contact with potential future employees or business partners properly trained to understand and exploit data effectively

To reach these objectives, the project aims at laying the ground for the integration of data literacy as transversal topic in potentially all university courses, by identifying and developing common syllabus and innovative teaching and learning approaches.

  • 12/2019 – 11/2021
  • Co-funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+
  • Consortium of 14 partners from from 4 Programme EU Countries (Italy, Germany, Portugal, Lithuania), 1 Non-EU Programme Country (Serbia) and 1 Partner Country from Western Balkans (Albania)
  • project website: https://datalit.pa.itd.cnr.it/en/