Tag healthy lifestyle

PROSPER – Home-office tips

  Home-office is hardly a new experience to employees nowadays, but do you know how to do it correctly? Here are a few advice on how to improve your experience.   Screen The screen should best be positioned in a…

VIM – How the pilots went

We have successfully concluded the VIM national pilots and have written up our reports. In total, 55 educators piloted the small training units in all countries involving all in all 488 migrants and refugees from different countries of origin. The…

VIM – Newsletter 5

The fifth newsletter tells about the final conference that took place in Athens as well as about the findings and results of the national pilots that involved all in all 55 educators and 500 migrants and refugees in the partner…

VIM – Save the date!

The VIM consortium is waiting for you in Athens on 10th of October, 2019 at INNOVATHENS. The VIM consortium invites you to the final conference of the VIM project. The conference will be hosted by our Greek partner KMOP on…

VIM – Newsletter 4

The VIM partners have developed a Quality Badge for all those organisations that promote health education for migrants and want to show it to their clients, learners, other training providers, funding authorities, the broad society, and other interest groups. Find…

VIM – Get the Quality Badge!

Do you represent a European organisation that promotes health education for migrants? Let your stakeholders know about it and use the VIM Quality Badge! The VIM Quality Badge is a tangible label designed to convey the engagement of adult educators…

VIM – Event in each partner organisation

Each VIM partner is organising a multiplier event in these days. The aim is to make interested trainers familiar with the VIM approach and the developed materials provided on the VIM Hub. If you are interested in joining such an…

VIM Hub available now

The VIM team is happy to announce that the VIM online hub (educational resources) is available now in English. It offers training units with activities on different health topics as well as further resources and interesting links to deepen the…

VIM – Newsletter 3

The third newsletter presents the training offer for adult educators who wish to embed small training units – that we simply call “activities” as these shall be interactive and shall involve migrants and refugees in all kind of playful, discovery…

First Health Points Newsletter

We are happy to announce the release of the first Health Points newsletter. It informs about the developments of the last months and gives an outlook on the next steps to implement a game-based approach to health education for young…

VIM Training Offer

The VIM training offers small training units called simply “activities” as these shall be interactive and shall involve migrants and refugees in all kind of playful, discovery oriented and holistic activities. These  are clustered into the following main categories:

VIM Meeting in Vienna

The VIM partners met in Vienna on 05. and worked on the development of the health related training units and activities. These will be provided on the VIM Hub for download and can be used by European adult educators that…

Health Points – Website online

The Health Points team announces that its website is now online. It will give you all background information on the project and deliver regular updates on the project’s current development. Based on the user consultations and the former Health Box…