

Newsletter 4 – Results and Achievements

As our Eco-Therapy Project draws to a close, we are pleased to present our fourth newsletter, which provides a comprehensive overview of our achievements and outcomes. Throughout the course of our efforts, we have made significant strides in advancing the…

EverGREEN Training: Transitioning from Vision to Action in Nice

Under the azure skies of Nice, the second day of the #EverGREEN training unfolded, marking a significant shift from envisioning sustainability to tangible progress. Participants immersed themselves in the intricacies of implementation, exchanging insights and addressing practical challenges to green…

EverGREEN Training Unfolds in Sunny Nice

Welcome to the picturesque city of Nice, basking in the Mediterranean sun, where the vibrant hub of innovation awaits – the #EverGREEN training for VET (Vocational Education and Training) staff and teachers. With a diverse cohort of 21 participants hailing…

everGREEN: Exciting News!

The eagerly awaited day has arrived! Tomorrow kicks off the EverGREEN training for VET staff and teachers in the beautiful city of Nice. Join us as we start our journey towards sustainability in educational institutes. Keep an eye out for…

Stay in the Loop: Newsletter Update!

Keen to stay in the loop with our latest developments? Don’t miss out on the insights and updates in our second newsletter. Download Newsletter #2 now! Searching for translations? Explore additional language options in our project’s download section for more…