PROSPER – Matching Suitable Digital Tools with Organisational Needs


The majority of managers and companies have faced daunting challenges to keep track of the emerging digital tools in the aftermath of the outbreak of Covid-19. Managers have been challenged by a double disruption brought by both the implication of COVID-19 for their business and the implication of the rapid digital transformation for the whole ecosystem and the future of businesses. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a logical and smooth process to identify the most suitable tools for each business.

Requirements and Needs assessment: Determining the processes and to-dos that the company would like to digitalize in order to overcome productivity killers and improve its processes for better outcomes.

Mapping alternatives and options: Learning from current and previous practices is key in digital transformation. Managers should identify learned lessons and best/good practices in addition to other possible alternatives that can be an option in future in case the requirements and/or the needs of the company change.

Assessing tools: Any tool has unique characteristics and a tool that fits one company or solves a specific problem can not necessarily work everywhere – there is no solution that fits all. Managers should constantly evaluate the used tools against the needs, requirements, outcomes, goals, etc.

Piloting possible options: Based on the assessment of different tools, a shortlist of some compatible tools should be tested several times with a small number of employees in order to assess their effectiveness before taking a decision on the rollout of a specific tool that meets the determined needs and requirements.

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