What is accessibility?

Accessibility refers to the ease of access to a product, service, or location for people with special needs or other barriers, such as language or technology limitations. It involves designing and providing accommodations that remove barriers and ensure that everyone can access and use the product, service, or location. Accessibility is a key component of inclusion because it ensures that everyone has equal access to opportunities. Inclusion, in turn, supports accessibility by creating an environment where individuals with diverse needs can participate and succeed.

School accessibility means providing equal opportunities and accommodations for all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This includes ensuring that the physical environment is accessible, providing assistive technology and other accommodations, and making sure that instructional materials are accessible to all students:

  • involves designing physical spaces ;
  • the design and provision of educational materials and environments;
  • providing appropriate accommodations and resources, such as sign language interpreters, captioning, assistive listening devices, and visual aids;