Exciting Announcement: Joint Staff Training Event in Portugal

We’re thrilled to unveil the upcoming Joint Staff Training event, meticulously organized by our esteemed partner organizations, set to unfold in Espinho, Portugal, this November 2023.

The Joint Staff Training stands as a pivotal pillar of our collaborative initiative, serving as a nexus for knowledge exchange, professional advancement, and cross-cultural enrichment. It offers participants a unique platform to deepen their comprehension of the project’s objectives, hone their skills, and forge stronger connections among partner organizations.

The program for this Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTTA) will feature a rich tapestry of interactive sessions, meticulously tailored to the training material crafted specifically for this project. Led by experts in their respective domains, these sessions promise comprehensive insights into various facets pertinent to our project’s aims. Topics will span from innovative methodologies to practical implementation strategies, ensuring participants garner valuable knowledge to propel the project forward.

Amidst the event’s proceedings, participants will immerse themselves in lively group discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative exercises. This immersive approach fosters active engagement, nurturing a dynamic learning ecosystem conducive to idea exchange and collective exploration of new horizons.

Mark your calendars and prepare to embark on a transformative journey of learning and growth in the picturesque setting of Espinho, Portugal.