What is the difference between accessibility and Inclusion?

Accessibility focuses on removing physical, social, or technological barriers that prevent individuals from accessing products, services, or environments. It involves providing accommodations or modifications that make it possible for everyone to use or participate in a particular product, service, or environment. Accessibility ensures that everyone can participate and access the same opportunities.

Accessibility and inclusion often work together to achieve the goal of creating equitable and inclusive environments.  Accessibility is a key component of inclusion because it ensures that everyone has equal access to opportunities. Inclusion, in turn, supports accessibility by creating an environment where individuals with diverse needs can participate and succeed.

Inclusion, on the other hand, is focused on creating a sense of belonging and actively valuing and respecting the diversity of individuals in a community. It involves creating an environment where everyone can fully participate, contribute, and succeed, regardless of differences in abilities, backgrounds, or identities. Inclusion ensures that everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.