Support Me – Pedagogical method to value migrants’ competences

Transversal competences can be applied to a wide variety of situations pertaining to different spheres of life (professional, social, personal). Despite the importance of transversal skills in the labour market and in social domains, they are not always sufficiently taken into account to be recognised and valued. The Support Me partnership aims to raise practitioners’ awareness of these competences in order to make them more visible, to reveal and to promote them among migrants. After all, migrants have undoubtedly acquired skills before and during their migration experience that should be recognised and valued. The hope is to increase migrant trainees’ motivation and self-confidence, as well as to empower them and allow for a successful integration in the host societies.

The Support Me consortium is happy to present the recently accomplished pedagogical method aimed to identify and value migrants’ transversal skills. It contains:

  • films excerpts, videos, migrants’ testimonies and their analysis to sensitize trainers and volunteers to the competences
  • valuing tools : ten competence cards and digital badges to value the migrants’ transversal competences
  • pedagogical activities to promote, identify and value the transversal competences

You can download the method from the Support Me here.