PROSPER – Ensuring Digital Health and Safety of the Employees


Digital health and safety is about people, culture, and attitudes- and it can help create a work environment that develops trust, innovation, and cooperation.  Going digital makes safety more immediate, personal, and accessible for all. It engages people, sharing safety responsibilities while ensuring you have the real time information you need to make effective changes and interventions. This leads to a more engaged, happier workforce and lower incident rates – leading to better business outcomes overall.

Here are some of the common challenges of going digital and a few suggestions on how to address them:

  1. Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Ergonomic equipment / Workstations
  • Regular breaks and movement throughout the day
  1. Work-related stress
  • Regular Communication
  • Set realistic expectations
  1. Working longer hours
  • Time-management Tools
  • Flexible working hours

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