I-CARE – Piloting phase ahead

The I-CARE consortium is happy to announce that the I-CARE is ready to be piloted. The I-CARE Toolbox contains a range of learning modules and training materials designed to support the development of Intercultural Communication Competences in Professionals working in the Social and Healthcare sectors. The training modules deal with the following topics:

1. Culture, Diversity & Raising Awareness
2. Intercultural Communication
3. Eating, Drinking, Celebrating, Fasting
4. Ageing, Dying, Death
5. Body, Gender, Sex, Intimacy
6. Pregnancy, Parenthood, Children, Family Structures
7. Disability, Psychology & Mental Health Problems
8. Dealing with Pain
9. Creating Your Own Learning Materials
10. Validation of Intercultural Training

The modules include basic information on the topic in form of presentations, texts or videos (information by video / podcast / interview / written, to introduce the module), learning activities using innovative and activating approaches: e.g. case studies, role plays, simulations (f-t-f or virtual learning using experiential tools) and good practice examples and tools (information on further resources to assist/ develop understanding). The modules are available in all partner languages and can be accessed in the I-CARE toolbox.

If you are interested in taking part in the piloting, please contact one of the partner of the I-CARE project.