Critical Balance – Learn about: The Truth in Times of Corona (Podcast)

The corona virus – deliberately brought into the world by Bill Gates? A staged plan to seize world domination? Or is it actually non-existent after all? On social media, these and other conspiracy theories are rapidly gaining momentum. Youtube videos are being shared on Whatsapp, Telegram groups are spreading the latest “independent information.”

The podcast The Truth in Times of Corona , created by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, is dedicated to conspiracy theories and myths surrounding the Corona virus. For the bpb, journalist Axel Schröder talked in this podcast with various experts about the most diverse aspects of this often bizarre and not infrequently hateful and violent world.

In the first episode, Axel Schröder talks to Karolin Schwarz (founder of hoaxmap.org) and Jan Rathje from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation about the most common theories, the anti-Semitism that is often inherent in them, and strategies for action against conspiracy theories. The second episode deals with the social psychological aspects of conspiracy theories, and also looks at the role of social media providers. Social psychologist Pia Lamberty and blogger Katharina Nocun provide information on this. Prevention of conspiracy theories is the focus of the discussion with Saba-nur Cheema (Anne Frank Educational Center) and Renate Pulz (BildungsBausteine e.V.). And in the fourth episode, Schröder talks with David Begrich (Miteinander e.V.) about “resistance” in the context of the so-called “hygiene” demos, and with historian Hedwig Richter about the difficult relationship between authoritarian measures and democracy.