Care4Carers – What is resilience?



In general terms, resilience is the ability of people to:

  • respond flexibly and appropriately to changing life situations and demands in changing circumstances
  • cope with stressful, frustrating, difficult and burdensome situations without suffering psychological consequences, i.e., to withstand such extraordinary stresses without negative consequences
  • bounce back from adversities

We can consider resilience as a continuum that presents itself in differing degrees and across various domains of life. Resilience may change over time depending on your interactions and life situations You may be very resilient in your workplace but less resilient in your personal life and in your relationships with others .

You may have already asked yourself: is resilience a fixed personality trait or rather a human capacity that can be learned? Well, psychological research actually shows that people can develop strategies to become more resilient and to face challenges and difficulties in life more successfully. Developing resilience is also about (re)finding the resources and competencies that you have acquired throughout life that can contribute to problem solving and lead to personal growth.

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