BADGES – The challenge abroad in Malta

During the project a BADGES-app was created for young adults aged 18 to 35, seeking work or training, who go on mobility to Malta to gain professional experience abroad, learn and use a foreign language, get to know a foreign environment and culture independently and actively, and gain orientation for the future and their future career path in the scope of the “The Challenge Abroad – Continued” project.
The stay in Malta lasted nine weeks, eight of which were spent doing an internship. Before the stay in Malta, there was also a preparation period during which the participants completed a language course among other things. After their return, there was also a follow-up period.

The app was specifically created for use during the stay abroad and the follow-up sessions back in Germany.
In the app different topics are covered, such as culture, food and drink, and everyday life in Malta, each with a few small tasks. During the time in Malta, the participants were encouraged to complete these tasks in the different subject areas and document their answers with photos and text. As a small incentive, the participants could also earn a badge if they submitted their answers to all the tasks.
During the follow-up, these results were then used for further reflection, to create memory books or create documents or folders that could be added to their job application to showcase the experience abroad.

Find out more about the BADGES project here: https://projectbadges.eu/