DALFYS – DAta Literacy competences For Young students towards STEAM education


We live in a tech-driven world where school plays a strategic role in preparing the younger generation to the new digital and technological society. From the schoolteachers’ point of view there are two main challenges to face: to spread relevant digital competences among learners and teachers and, to transform learning and teaching approaches in order to include data literacy competences in school curricula.

At the same time, data literacy is a difficult concept to teach, since the required knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as the competence level (from a basic key competence to high level research on the matter) are strictly related to the context. Moreover, data literacy includes learning objectives related to digital content creation and computational thinking as well as the use of digital media and data analysis tools. All these aspects would
increase the employability of the students since their expertise could be closer to the requirements of the enterprises.

The project DALFY aims to provide students with the opportunity to reach a suitable level of data knowledge that they can use and apply appropriately and diversely throughout their personal life, and possibly to use to increase their employability opportunity.

To reach this objective, the project wants to integrate data literacy as a transversal topic in secondary school curricula by identifying and developing common syllabus and innovative teaching and learning approaches. The approaches proposed in the project will be piloted in secondary schools by involving 10-15 students from each partner country.

Specific training courses and resources will be provided to pilot the methodology. The data literacy competences will be validated and connected to European validation and certification  instruments. The development of related skills as critical thinking, social and civic competence, etc. will be
also recognised and validated.

  • 03/2021 – 02/2023
  • Co-funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+
  • Applicant: Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico “Girolamo Caruso” – Consortium of seven partners from six countries (Italy, Germany, Turkey, Lithuania, Poland, Romania)
  • Project website: www.dalfysproject.eu