Piloting of learning activities of the Climate Box

The Climate Box partners are happy to announce that the learning activities of the Climate Box were successfully piloted with 85 trainers, educators and education staff across Europe, as well as over 300 adult learners. The activities were piloted in all partner countries: Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria and Spain. Thanks to the broad network of partners, they were also implemented with adult learner participants from Croatia, Portugal, Serbia, Morocco, Senegal, Guinea, North Macedonia, and Turkey.

The involved trainers reported high satisfaction rates regarding the modules and activities, naming multiple reasons why they appreciated the activities and were motivated to use them. The main reasons were: high adaptability to specific learning needs and contexts, relatability – learners can relate the examples to their life, visual materials, clear descriptions and instructions on how to implement the learning activities, interactive and participatory – the learning activities are engaging and invite learners to bring in their own views and experience, mix of methods such as quizzes, images and text but also role playing scenarios, discovery learning (doing an activity and discovering the learning content while achieving a task), as well as experience sharing.

If you are interested in testing the learning activities with your learners, you can download them from our website.